
Canvas Updates 18/04/20

Canvas Updates 18/04/20

Canvas are working really hard to release meaningful features faster. In light of Covid-19 restrictions and the suspension of face-to-face teaching, more people than ever are now using technology, which is why the Teaching and Learning Academy are really excited to introduce you to these new features:

Rubric Quick Access

Rubrics can now be accessed directly from your Course Menu. The Manage Rubrics button has been removed from the course-level Outcomes page and added to the Course Navigation Menu. This change allows course rubrics to be accessed more quickly. Additionally, the workflow is more intuitive as outcomes are not required within a rubric.

Bulk Edit Assignment Due and Availability Dates

The Assignments Settings menu includes an option to Edit Assignment Dates. This option displays all existing assignments in a single page, arranged by due date. Assignments with the same due date are listed in alphabetical order. The full name of an assignment is included in the hover text for the assignment.

Dates can be selected via the Calendar icon or by typing a date directly in the text field. Currently, times cannot be adjusted within the page and are set to the default of 11:59 pm.

On Time Submission Celebrations

Canvas generates a virtual celebration when students submit assignments on time. This is great for students because it provides the security of an additional, user-friendly on-screen confirmation.

Mute Notifications by Course

Users can mute all notifications for a course they are enrolled on. The Course Home Page displays a View Course Notifications button. The icon in the button displays the status of the notifications which can either be enabled or disabled.

Limit Submission Attempts

By default, assignments can be submitted an unlimited number of times. However, instructors can choose to limit the number of attempts a student can make for an assignment by using the Attempts menu.

Students: When an assignment is limited in attempts, they’ll see the number of attempts they’ve made as well as the number of allowed attempts.

Please note: The number of attempts feature is not compatible with the Turnitin LTI. Students will be able to submit, regardless of the number of attempts outlined here. Turnitin also has its own settings for limiting submissions.

Gradebook – New Speedgrader Links

This change helps you access SpeedGrader more easily. You’ll find speedgrader in all of your assignment column menus. SpeedGrader opens to the first student according to the filter set in the Gradebook.

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