Digital Learning Champions
The Digital Learning Champions network met for the first time on the 27th of Jan 2020. the aims of this group are to:
- help shape changes and develop TEL projects through networking and discussion.
- discuss ideas and gather feedback about these changes.
- put forward key issues or propose new projects.
- help the whole university understand how technology is changing and shaping the student learning experience
Jim Turner introduced the aims of the group and key current TEL projects. Heather Thrift (Director of Library Services) discussed the emerging institutional focus on the digital capabilities of staff and students. The group then explored this further and made a number of points and proposals.
The group discussed issues relating to student skills, induction, timetabling, and continued support throughout the year. the idea of designing in these skills into the programme structure and their natural link with employability were also explored. Staff digital capabilities were also discussed, emergent themes include the importance to develop consistency of approach for the most basic aspects of the technology and to build from there to more complex uses.