Academic Skills Leaders Network (STAFF)

This network is designed to bring together those staff, who deliver on academic research skills modules, to share their ideas, information and practice.

Academic skills modules are commonly integrated into most programmes. Although the subject and focus of these modules may differ, there are aspects of delivery and content that staff involved in development, delivery and support may benefit from sharing.

This network is designed to bring together those staff, who deliver on academic skills modules, to share their ideas, information and practice.

Past events

There is a link to a past event below, but here are some other things we have been discussing

Digital skills/literacy/fluency 


The special session explored different perspectives and approaches to digital skills/literacy/fluency.  

  • Casey Beaumont from the Academic Achievement team will talk about her team’s plans to support students by embedding digital literacy in teaching and learning activities and resources.   

We were also joined by a number of academics who have worked in this area in terms of research and practice including;  

  • Clare Horrocks from Media and Culture who runs a skills module that looks at developing students’ online skills and development particularly in the area of employability.  
  • Judith Enriquez is from the School of Education has run online courses for many years and is interested in how individuals find meaning in through their digital skills and actions.  

Using my notes from the session and combining the different perspectives from the meeting this area can be seen in 3 different levels. These are not exclusive and do not necessarily need to be taught in a sequence. We have also tried to map on JISCs work on digital capabilities 

  1. What’s under the hood: The knowledge of how data and the internet works. Seeing the larger forces and your part within it. This might include understanding how your data is collected and used, what might be done with it, how companies are built on the attention economy and the growing issues surrounding data analytics and algorithms. It might also connect with where and how you look for new information and verify it.  
    1. JISC: Information, data and media literacies (critical use) 
  2. Digital skills and literacy: This is the access and skills, the way you use technology, what you know and don’t know about the tools available. How you look for support and your confidence in trying something new. It might involve how you learning a new tool or a new way of doing something to support your learning.  
    1. JISC: ICT Proficiency (functional skills)  
    2. JISC: Digital learning and development (development) 
  3. Digital citizenship and your network: How your actions and digital creativity can help develop a more just and ethical use of technology. Also how you use and develop your networks to promote yourself and your ideas and ideals.  
    1. JISC: Digital creation, problem solving and innovation (creative production)  
    2. JISC: Digital communication, collaboration and partnership (participation) 
    3. JISC: Digital identity and wellbeing (self-actualising) 

Notes from this meeting (internal access only)

Academic skills module leaders’ network  


Skills@LJMU: There are a number of exciting changes to the academic skills provision this semester. We are continuing with our well-received Skills@LJMU webinar programme for all undergraduate and postgraduate students. 

  • Additionally, we now have expanded our offer to include a dedicated faculty-based 

service for L3 and L4 students. 

  • New Academic Achievement Canvas Course containing a range of learning resources designed to develop students’ digital, critical and personal skills 
  • New Academic Achievement Adviser offering dedicated academic skills support for all L3 and L4 students 
  • Faculty bespoke teaching programmes, targeted classes designed to help students to develop skills for this year and achieve 

Designing a skills module: Casey Beaumont also reminded the meeting about how closely their team can work with a particular programme. 

Maths and new students: there is also discussion about the need to support students with their maths for next year particularly new students to the University.  

Notes from the meeting (internal access only) 

Continuous assessment in a research skills module

12/05/2020 At this meeting Will Snawey presented his module design. 

Will Swaney gave a presentation on his research skills and employability module and how to encourage student engagement with statistics trainingThis focused on continuous assessment and an innovative way of creating statistical data and using it to motivate and engage students. Will's level 5 module has 200 to 250 students involving four different programmes (Animal Behaviour, Biology Wildlife Conservation and Zoology)He has taught the module for three years and over the past two years has implemented this change in his teaching and assessment practise 



To book onto a session please click on your preferred date to be directed to the booking page.

New dates will be advertised here early in the new year.


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